How to Easily Get Motivated to Do Anything

How to Easily Get Motivated to Do Anything

How to easily get motivated to do anything when you don’t feel motivated? Sometimes you need a little boost to tap into your energy reserve and get motivation.

And, honestly, that is more than okay. It doesn’t mean you are not a hard worker or you are not disciplined or passionate about what you do. It just means that sometimes you need a little boost and it is time to tap into your energy reserve and get a jolt of motivation that will propel push forward.

How do you get motivated to do anything?

In many instances, when you are feeling less than thrilled or not motivated to do something, you may think that your lack of motivation is caused by the undesirable nature of the thing you need to do. You may have framed something in your mind to be boring, difficult, tiring, monotonous, or just not anything you really want to do.

The problem, however, is not with what you need to do, but how you’re looking at the task.

When you are in need of some extra motivation, the best thing you can do is shift your attention from “what” you are doing and direct it to the “how”. How is the quality of your performance!

Instead of focusing on your lack of motivation, or your thoughts about the task, you just start doing the task and turn all of your attention to ensuring you are doing it with the utmost quality. The quality of your performance should be at the top of your mind and your number one priority. Focus on pouring all of your positive energy into how you are doing it.

You should be totally into what you are doing and really concentrate on every aspect, regardless of if what you are doing is just a little task (like cleaning your bathroom) or something big (like completing a work project). On a scale of 1 to 10, you should feel the quality of your performance is a 10. It is all about totally concentrating on what you are doing and the quality of your actions to complete the task.

When we shift our attention in this way, it is amazing how the joy of just doing something really well transforms any disinterest or lack of motivation we may have had. The high quality of our actions and our high level of concentration and productivity will overshadow any undesirable feelings about the task we may have originally had.

There is positive energy that just naturally flows from being productive and doing anything in a high-quality manner.


Because in order to really do something with the highest of quality, you have no choice but to completely concentrate on what you are doing and this requires your mind to be still and singularly focused on whatever is in front of you. Our attention automatically shifts to the present moment right where it should be and we are completely focused on the task we are doing. And, when we are able to perform in this manner, we are able to tap into a lot of positive energy we may not have even realized was there.

So, the next time you feel you are in need of a little boost of motivation or some good positive energy to get things going, turn your attention and focus to the “how”. Focus on every step and doing every step the absolute best you can … you will be amazed at the results you get and how great you feel.