5 Ways to Make Others Happy

5 Ways to Make Others Happy

When we make others happy, we too will feel happy. Achieving happiness is a universal goal. Happiness is contagious and is an important part of living a healthy life filled with contentment. Part of achieving happiness is surrounding ourselves with happy people. One way we can make ourselves happy is doing things that make other people happy.

Compliments Delivers Happiness

Complimenting people is a great way to make people feel good about themselves. When you say something nice such as they look like they have lost weight, their outfit looks great, their hair looks great, and more, it will definitely cheer them up. A nice compliment will make someone’s day much more pleasurable. You may receive a nice compliment in return which will make you feel good. Even a simple smile and thank you will make you feel good.
This small gesture makes people feel good inside. When you greet someone, make sure you maintain eye contact to let them know you are really happy to see them, it shows that you are truly interested in them. When you smile first, they will return the smile, and you too will start to feel happy.

Make others happy by showing Appreciation

People love to feel that they matter and they are valued. One way to show people they are valued is to actively listen to them. This tells people that what they say matters. When they speak, look at them and ask questions. People will often feel valued if you show them that you are truly interested in what is going on in their lives. You can also ask them for some advice to show that you value their wisdom. As well, showing someone that you appreciate them with a surprise gift such as flowers, is a great way to deliver happiness.

Social Activities

People will feel really good if they get a call from someone asking if they want to go for dinner or just for a coffee. Inviting people out to do something fun lets them know that you enjoy their company and want to spend time with them. As well, it shows that you value their friendship. When you are out, do something that is fun and makes you both laugh and have a great time together. When you have someone in your life that is uplifting and interesting, it makes life much more fun and happier. Connecting through laughter is a great way to deliver happiness to others.

Perform a Kind Act

Volunteering is a great way to spread happiness. For instance, volunteering at a homeless shelter, battered women shelter, and church function that helps the needy is a great way to make the people you help happy. Your reward will be that you will feel good knowing you helped someone less fortunate. If you have limited time, doing something small can make a really big and positive difference. For instance, helping a senior cross the street will make that senior very happy and see you as a kind and courteous person.

Acceptance and Forgiveness

We all know that we are not perfect so it does not make sense to expect others to be perfect. We all make mistakes and we all have our flaws. If someone has offended you or has upset you, forgiving them will make them happy and you will feel good having that anger and hurt lifted from your shoulders. Accepting others for who they are and not trying to change them makes life much happier for everyone.

Make Others Happy! That old saying, “when you smile, the whole world smiles with you” is really true. Make yourself happy by spreading happiness.