12 Most Likeable Ways to Live Longer

12 Most Likeable Ways to Live Longer

I love life! I am adventurous and always on the go. Because of this, I often wish for more hours in a day, or an extra day in the week. Of course, this wish is never granted, so instead, I aim for longevity.

If you think life is great and want to make the most out of it too, here’s a very likable list on longevity.

1. Humor me!

Yes. Please. My most likable way toward longevity is to enjoy a good laugh — people with a good sense of humor increased their life longevity by 31%.


Sleeping has a restorative process. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and weakens the immune system.

3. Have more sex

Sex is linked to lower blood pressure and healthier immune systems. It will also strengthen your relationship with your partner which also improves the immune system.

4. Eat chocolate and drink red wine

This may sound like Valentines Day, but the chocolate was first credited to longevity around 1660. Both have health benefits. Dark chocolate has antioxidants, stimulates the nervous system, and energizes digestion and a sluggish kidney or bowels. Red wine (in moderation) lowers one’s risk of coronary heart disease. It is also high in flavonoids and antioxidants.

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